Predavanje “Into the ice: Exploration and science on the Greenland Ice Sheet”

V torek, 10. 12. 2019 smo ob 18.00 na Oddelku za Biologijo, Večna pot 111 pripravili predavanje z naslovom

Into the ice: Exploration and science on the Greenland Ice Sheet

Predaval je: Matt Covington

Kratek opis:

Most of the meltwater on the surface of the Greenland Ice Sheet flows in rivers and streams that eventually end in moulins, which are giant holes in the ice that carry the water to the bottom of the glacier. Once meltwater is beneath the ice it can lubricate the bottom of the ice sheet, lift up the ice, and cause the ice to move faster. This may create a double effect, where future increases in melting of the ice during warmer climate may also cause faster sliding and more loss of ice into the sea. However, these processes are not well understood. During a three year project, we have conducted two summer field expeditions, where we measured meltwater and water levels inside of moulins. In the last two years of the project, we also conducted two fall expeditions, where we directly explored inside of moulins using a mix of caving and ice climbing techniques. During the presentation, I will share photos, videos, and stories from our adventures on the ice sheet and provide a basic explanation of our initial scientific results.

Večina vode, ki nastane s taljenjem površine ledeniškega pokrova na Grenlandiji, po krajšem teku po površju ledenika ponikne skozi ogromne jaške v ledu vse do tal pod ledenikom. Ta staljena voda deluje kot mazivo in povzroči, da se led prične gibati hitreje. To lahko povzroči dvojni učinek, pri čemer hitrejše taljenje ledu v času toplejših klimatskih obdobij povzroči hitrejše drsenje in odnašanje dodatnih količin ledu v morje. Ti procesi pa še niso dovolj raziskani. V okviru triletnega projekta smo izpeljali dve poletni odpravi na Grenlandijo, kjer smo merili količino in nivo vode znotraj ledenika. V zadnjih dveh letih pa smo v dveh jesenskih ekspedicijah s pomočjo jamarskih tehnik in tehnik lednega plezanja raziskali notranjost ledenih ponorov. Na predavanju bomo prikazali fotografije, filme in zgodbo o naših odpravah na grenlandski ledeniški pokrovi ter ponudili nekaj osnovnih informacij o znanstvenih rezultatih teh odprav.

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